Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seersucker & Lace Events.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver.

There's a blog that I visit regularly, where the author references that quote often.  It's a motivator and a challenge all rolled into one.  What is it that you plan to do with your one life? 

After people my age graduated college, we looked for jobs.  and looked, and looked... and looked.  It wasn't the worst of times, but it wasn't the best of times either.  And as opportunities came up, they were snatched.  I know people who moved across the country for jobs, I have a sister who did temporary substitue jobs for years, and I know some people who went back to school for the hope of more opportunity.
The thing is, at the end of the day, there is pressure to provide.  Bills need to be paid, groceries need to be bought, and like the name reveils, unexpected expenses come up when you least expect them.  To have a job is a blessing.  But to many, it's still just a job.  

I'll tell you what encourages me though.  People like these two.

Readers, this is Rachael and Lauren.  In addition to working jobs that pay the bills, these two ladies are following their passions.  They have each taken note of the one wild and precious life they have been given, and are on the brink of doing something great with it.  They've used their non-working hours to start Seersucker and Lace, an event planning company.  They're smart, and capable, and have a natural drive to help make celebrations fabulous. 

So when the two of them asked if I'd be interested in taking a few photographs for their upcoming website, there was no other answer from me but yes. It's both encouraging and exciting to be a part of something big.  Gaining a sense of wanting others to succeed, and for them to do so by using and stretching their gifts and talents.  They gave me an opportunity to use my art and skills, and I couldn't be more supportive of referring others to use theirs.


Here's the link again if you need them.


Stay Fabulous.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Movassaghi Family

When I was in elementary school, there were few things I liked better than being able to take the bus to a friends house after school.  Back then, a short note on an index card was all it took to make that dream a reality.  So you can imagine the disappointment when one day after my friend Kellie and I had turned in our notes, we got word that I'd have to go home on route 3 that day, to my house.  The reason wasn't one for me to take personally.  You see, Kellie's mom was babysitting a young family member that day, and in the midst of playing, he had managed to get a crayon stuck up his nose.  you read that right, a crayon.

oh, children.

Not to worry though, I was back at the Lewis home later that week.  We got right back on track, and by weeks end, we were eating puppy chow, tormenting her brothers, and walking to the park with sheets of wax paper (to sit on as we raced down the twisty slide, naturally). 

We know what having a good childhood looks like, because we had good childhoods.  Parts of which were spent with each other.

Early June of this year, Kellie's life took a turn in a new direction.  She entered mamahood, thanks to this sweet one.  

Ladies and gentlemen, Meet Eva. 


She's perfect as can be.  From her sweet little face... 

To her flawless little toes...
and and a head of hair that is almost identical in shade to her daddy's.

And, like other perfect babies... she's entitled to an occasional meltdown. 

But a little time, and some soft word from her mom and dad did some beautiful work.


It's so special to stay connected with the friends of your childhood.  People you share that bond of growing up alongside, and have had the opportunity to experience life with, no matter how far away from each other the path of life might take you.  Those relationships are fun, and cherished.  And the hugs you still get as an adult from those moms away from mom, the ones that introduced you to things like puppy chow and supplied you wax paper for top thrill trips down a slide, well, those are special too.

3 generations of beauty.  

Kellie and Duncan are already great parents.  They love their little Eva with all their hearts.  Duncan soothing her with kind words and steady voice, and Kellie being just what that little girl wants and needs, her mama.  They've already taken her on adventures to other countries, and shown her the importance of family.  They're off to a great start. 


Kellie and Duncan, your little Eva is a beauty.  It was a joy to see you guys, as always.  Keep enjoying the experience of being Eva's parents.  You're doing a great job!  Just keep an eye on those crayons. ;)

